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ЧитатьMP-10 Optimus Prime Full Repaint (PIC heavy)
Hi fellow tf fans!
MP-10 was one of the most impressive TFs I've owned, certainly among the most posable. I was glad that Takara Tomy made the truck mode realistic while maintaining a near cartoon accurate, but more streamlined bot mode.
Before repainting I had to fix a few quality issues with the figure. In addition, MP-10 had several "sliding" parts and perfectly fitted joints that was prone to paint chipping. So before I began, I took it completely apart, cut/sanded the joints and sliding parts then coated the contact points few times with gloss to minimize the problem.
I first airbrushed the main bodies of Optimus with the usual process: sanding, priming, several coats, buffing, finishes, buffing. The primary blue, red and silver on prime were a mixture of several variations of those colors. I've also applied different shades of those colors throughout the figure to break up the tone a little. The detailing was done with various sized brushes which I had the most fun with but also took the longest time. Some very subtle weathering, high-lighting and dry-brushing effects were applied, to lessen that perfect-toy look, but not enough that they become too obvious. The trailer and Roller were similarly painted although I took a little more liberty with their colors.
Please keep in mind that this wasn't meant to copy Optimus's look from any particular continuity, it was just a fun personal project that took a little longer than I hoped.
Thanks everyone, take care!
"Autobots, transform and roll out!"
Project Time: ~Mid November 2011 to Late January 2012
Photography: Mid February 2012, Outdoor: Sunny noon and dusk; cloudy day Indoor: 5500k lighting with occational mix of sunlight
Part 1 - Truck Mode