Eternal Damnation
Аниме: Hellsing
Музыка: E.S. Posthumus - Pompeii
Награды: Best Action Video и Best Instrumental Video на VCA 2004
комметарий на аглицкомФайл
Разрешение: 352 x 240
Видео кодек: x264
Аудио кодек: aac
Длительность: 04:09
Eternal Damnation
Один из классических представителей старой школы.
Комментарий автора: This video was probably one of the most fun projects I have worked on. I loved using the Hellsing footage with such a great song.
The editing is very low level with very few effects. My goal was to make the video as simple as possible to fit the mood of the song. Thus I didn't include the effects as something to be judged since it's all rubber band fades, additive dissolves, or my good friend invert. :P (simple haha :P)
The editing style varies across the video in a manner that I felt made the video more watchable, as opposed to the same exact style over the music ... as the song can seem repetitive.
I opted to leave Walter out of the video... although I was tempted as the scenes involving him are in the video ... not to mention that the footage with him fighting is quite visually appealing!
There are two short audio parts from the Hellsing soundtrack and from the first track of Rob Zombie's Sinister urge. (the hellsing track is from "Ruins" and is named Shi-kuretto Karuma Serenade, should be track 10)
You'll likely notice some time reversals... where you see the outcome before the action. In all but one instance this was intentional. In the one case it just happened to work out better... even though I originally hadn't thought of working with the footage that way.
Enjoy the Video! =)